The Legend of Diamond Multimedia has continued and they have produced yet another card with astonishing performance. Bundled with diamond's InControls 00 software, configuration is easy and straight forward. Final reality, 3d Mark99 Max. When diamond V came out into the market, there were not much competitors to compare it with. Although that scenario is rare, it does happen. Overclocking can be a tricky thing to do sometimes. What might put people off and go in search of other brands might be it's price compared to other TNT2 ultra at the moment.
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Soon to come, i might try to get other cards to work on OSs like Redhat 6. What might put people off and go in search of other brands might be it's price compared to other TNT2 ultra at the moment.

Diamond has however, willingly changed the specs on their two TNT2 based cards to reflect the changes. This obviously puts a lot of pressure on NVidia to succeed, and ultimately inspired NVidia to drop the originally speculated clock speed of the TNT2 Ultra down to MHz for diaond core frequency and MHz for the memory frequency.

What it means diamlnd that, A diamond product will never be a wrong choice. You can modify that profile by selecting different "Boost Levels" which basically allows your card to be clocked at a different frequency depending on what game you run.

With it's standard but attractive packaging, it did not fail to attract most graphic card seeker's attention when it was launched. These are the contents of the package: Would it be faster or at least comparable to the ultimate Spectra ? Bundled with diamond's InControls 00 software, diajond is easy and straight forward.

Diamond's primary goal here is to make sure that they aren't any worse off without the backing of 3dfx's high powered chips. As we diaomnd see from the picture, the board is cleanly designed, typical of other Diamond products.

Or would it just be another TNT2 ultra card out there?? Post Your Comment Please log in or sign up to comment.

Diamond Viper V RivaTNT2 ultra Series

This diampnd because the test system is a Socket 7 mobo AMD K and therefore, there's not much i can squeeze out of the board then what it is giving now. The world first learned of the Diamond Viper V through the shocking previews performed by two of the internet's most well respected hardware review sites, Sharky Extreme and Tom's Hardware. At the time, there were no other TNT2 cards to compare the V to, and the Voodoo3 drivers weren't as mature as they are now. Diamond, not willing to go out on the same limb Hercules and Guillemot have traversed, willingly changed the specs on their two TNT2 based cards to reflect the changes.

V 3D Mark99 Overall Score.

However, it is strange for the card not to come with TV-out port or any features covering b770 flat panel. Click here to find lowest prices on this product. Log in Don't have an account? Compared to the previous Gigabyte GA that I just reviewed, the card looks and feels more solid. Post Your Comment Please log in or sign up to comment.

Diamond Viper V Ultra TNT2

Benchmarking was of course done on Windows The board features no TV-out port nor does it feature a digital flat panel output port either, an interesting set of absences, but ones worth noting nonetheless. Diamond isn't any better off now that 3dfx has left their Voodoo3 wishes unfulfilled. However, since TV-out and digital panel ports are not really sought after items in the local context, it makes no difference to making a decision on whether to throw in a couple of hundred dollars to get diwmond baby.

This is done so by having 5 different boost levels for each 3D application or game.

Diamond Viper V770 graphics card - TNT2 - 32 MB Series

The Legend of Diamond Multimedia has continued and they have produced yet another card with astonishing performance. This is an insteresting absence of options since a card dimaond this quality, make and price normally comes with more than standard connectors. The inclusion of InControls 99 means that one can easily overclock a TNT2 card without fiddling with messy jumpers or dip switches or whatever. Final Reality Benchmark results: As I ripped open the bright red packaging, pardon me if I am wrong about the color, I'm color blindwhat i saw was a card of excellent made quality.

The installation CD packaged with the card fired up the classic Diamond installation screen, and the trip from there was very simple.


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